Anyone know? Are they coming in slowly, or will the dealers actually have some to sell soon? I bet some dealers already have them, but aren't allowed to sell them yet. Any rumors?
Well whoever took the picture of the guys parked right in front of them should be able to tell us if it was really a polaris made xp4. I think that was someones stretched xp. The photographer should let us know if its the real deal or just another stretched xp. If it is real, then I want one.
Nice ride,
I wonder if its better to buy a whole xp and throw away 80% of the stock parts or does Holz build everything from the ground up and just get the drivetrain from Polaris? How does that work?
Thanks for the replies, some of them were pretty funny. I guess it's 911. I've been going to the desert for 35 years and I never thought about myself getting hurt, but now that I have 2 young kids that ride, now I guess I'd better know who to call. Thanks
Well I'm glad I held off and didn't drop 8 grand to put long travel and and a big bore on my teryx. It sounds like this new polaris will have everything I want. I'm hoping it will cost less to buy a new polaris than to build up my old Teryx. Wheelbase travel and power.
Looks like a good time. I'm glad somebody finally realized that UTV's need a way to race in the desert. Thats great.... Offroad racing has become out of reach for the everyday person. UTV desert racing should be a great way to enter the sport without breaking the bank.. Hopefully, it will catch...