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  • Had a blast at Glamis North. Never had been out to Salton Sea - some great riding out there! I saw Hotel California and some other things. look forward to future trips there.
    We have been going out with Russ and Carols group. Our last ride was between Christmas and New Years. Getting better trying to keeping up with those V8's. I think Jan and I are having the most fun. There's a memorial ride scheduled for the Salton Sea March 16th. We are signed up for just a day trip on Saturday the 16th. We are just taking our SUV and flat bed trailer for a day trip. If your interested we will keep you posted. The ride is posted under LaFamilia memorial ride for John Berry. Not sure when Russ and Carols group is going to Gordons maybe Presidents weekend. Take care Jack & Jan
    Steve - Thanks for asking. My back feels much better, almost fully recovered. Sounds like your new harnesses worked. Glad you came out OK.

    Jan and I are planning on a ride up the waterfalls in the Big Bear area on Saturday March the 24th for a day trip. Thanks for thinking of us Jack and Jan.
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