Recent content by norcalxp

  1. N

    Polaris Nor Cal Rock Races last moto 9-29

    Here is out last moto in the 900! Enjoy! Nor Cal Rock Racing UTV 3646 - YouTube
  2. N

    NorCalRockRacing opens doors to UTVs for 2012

    Here is the last heat of the day. To bad they only have 3 races! Nor Cal Rock Racing UTV 3646 - YouTube
  3. N

    Norhtern CA UTV Race - Sept 29, 2012

    Here is the last heat! The GoPro got filled with mud in the first two! Nor Cal Rock Racing UTV 3646 - YouTube
  4. N

    14 year old driving a Samurai through the soup bowl

    The Soup Bowl- First Try - YouTube Tell me what you think! On the Rubicon Trail.
  5. N

    KOH 2012 Car 3646 Video!

    King of the Hammers UTV Race 2012 Car 3646 - YouTube Hope you guys like it!
  6. N

    KOH 2012 Car 3646 Video!

    King of the Hammers UTV Race 2012 Car 3646 - YouTube Hope you guys like it!
  7. N

    Polaris King of the Hammers Ready XP 900

    thanks everyone! sc20, im sure it is still open for riding, but you cant ride on the course. i dont remember how much admission was...
  8. N

    Polaris King of the Hammers Ready XP 900

    Hey, This is our XP 900 that we are racing in KOH this year in the production 1000 class!
  9. N

    KOH Partcipant List

    Dave Eulberg- Production 1000- Polaris RZR XP 900
  10. N

    KOH 2012 GETTING READY!!!!

    Auburn Extreme Powersports will be there...... :D
  11. N

    KOH Partcipant List

    Team Auburn Extreme Powersports is in!! RZR XP 900 (production 1000)
  12. N

    Ultimate Rim/Tire Combo and Roll Cage for BITD & SCORE

    jaggedx what offsset are your omf wheels?
  13. N

    KOH 2012 Feb 10

    we will be racing in the 900 for sure! Auburn powersports 900!
  14. N

    All UTV's Communication for RZR

    cool. but what am i going to need to get for 2 people and a chase truck?
  15. N

    Polaris RZR Fuel cell HELP

    Thanks! but i need a little bit more info.

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