Recent content by moose927

  1. M

    Nessy Inside And Out!

    thats what my teryx wants to be when it grows up!
  2. M

    Spody3 in whistler, BC

    make sure you throw down a brewhouse for me, i'll try to get the teryx done while you are gone!!!
  3. M

    Kawasaki moose927 teryx build

    got some work done last night lookin pretty good, but sully spody and me arent quite zt fab!!!
  4. M

    Kawasaki moose927 teryx build

    hey thanks for the feedback on the shocks I want to get in touch with magnum and see what they say about it
  5. M


    the deal is I have been to vegas with you before and I dont think I would survive another round, especially without my wife, unless you are going to pay for our bail to get out of jail!!
  6. M

    Prayers PLEASE!!!!!!

    I am sorry to hear that, me and my family will keep her in mind, I am sure she will be ok soon
  7. M

    Kawasaki moose927 teryx build

    Thanks for the info Joeyd, I have had really good luck with the funco kit overall, I have really bashed on it like crazy and had no breakage at all. as far as the air shocks go they are really an entry level shock as far as I am concerned, they start to fade very quick in the whoops and are...
  8. M

    Kawasaki moose927 teryx build

    thanx for posting those pics for me sully, we gotta get back in the shop and finish that thing up for some snow rides!!
  9. M

    Hey sully, you going to have your axle by sunday?

    Hey sully, you going to have your axle by sunday?
  10. M

    My new cdi and clutch kit and exhaust will be here wednsday so maybe we should race one more...

    My new cdi and clutch kit and exhaust will be here wednsday so maybe we should race one more time before that so you can beat me one last time!! Ouch!!
  11. M

    you guys both better have your shit together for Huckfest!! Stupid rhinos

    you guys both better have your shit together for Huckfest!! Stupid rhinos
  12. M

    Kawasaki teryx performance

    I have some of those mods and i can hit 140-150 mph easy!

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