Recent content by M0FMav223

  1. M

    2014 maverick XRS performance mods

    And I don't think the turbo clutches, or at least the primary would be aggressive enough. My machine is built for short course racing with a bit of rally cross and ice racing here and there. I don't think the turbo clutch will put the power to the ground quite as good as the gates clutch will...
  2. M

    2014 maverick XRS performance mods

    The problem with a big bore is it'll put me into the unlimited class Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk
  3. M

    2014 maverick XRS performance mods

    Well, I'd beg to differ on what Greg would have to say. Probably the worst person to talk too. His attitude was basically "I don't care about NA mavericks and won't work on them" So yeah... Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk
  4. M

    2014 maverick XRS performance mods

    Yeah I've read a lot of his posts on various forums and Facebook, which is where I get a lot of my theories and ideas from. I try to do as much homework as possible before I start asking questions, I'm just trying to get some ideas and opinions from the guys that race Sent from my SM-G900W8...
  5. M

    2014 maverick XRS performance mods

    Hey everyone. I'm looking to do some performance work to maverick and I'm wondering what all can be done to increase my HP without bumping me into the unlimited class (no turbos or big bore) I've finally got machine jumping and handling very well, now I just need a bit more power to get going...
  6. M

    How we do it in Canada

    Just because the white stuff flies and your balls retract to stay warm, doesn't mean we stop racing. Just means we get to tackle a new disipline that's more in touch with F1 as far as cornering and keeping traction is concerned. Just not F1 speeds lol.
  7. M

    Which cage style do you prefer? Why?

    I get that but they're all built off a jig anyways and it's no harder to build any other cage, especially since mavericks are becoming more and more popular
  8. M

    Which cage style do you prefer? Why?

    I'm kind of annoyed with the entire industry that builds and provides aftermarket goodies in the UTV world as a whole. They cater to the RZR crowd and don't seem to give much of a shit that there are people with other brands out there, and the companies that do have a very limited selection of...
  9. M

    Which cage style do you prefer? Why?

    Though this cage I think looks pretty slick
  10. M

    Which cage style do you prefer? Why?

    I prefer the look of a sleak low cut radius cage personally. I have a maverick and virtually all the flat top cages I see are too boxy, especially the ones that stay the same width of the rest of the machine
  11. M

    Quick Edit from Whistler, B.C.

    Looks fun. I might have to check that out next time I'm in bc, I'm originally from abbotsford but transplanted to alberta. Having family in Squamish gives me lots of excuses to drive to whistler lol
  12. M

    Hello from the great white north

    Hey everyone. Brad here from Alberta, canada. My money pit of a drug addiction come in the form of a 2014 Maverick xrs laced with a splash of racing haha Up here I've created an Offroad organization with the help of some friends called the Wapiti Offroad Association, along with a couple other...

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