Recent content by jlbierig450r

  1. J

    Thats not all.... Polaris RZR #XP1K is COMING!

    :eek: that is one bad machine.
  2. J

    2010 rzr4 got hot need advise

    Thanks for your help. I will go check them out.
  3. J

    2010 rzr4 got hot need advise

    All these great mechanics in here and no one has an opinion on what I should check or replace sense I am in the motor trying to fix a problem.
  4. J

    2010 rzr4 got hot need advise

    So my dads 2010 rzr4 800 fan failed due to a wire shorting out. He didn't notice the issue until it was to late. He now has oil in the water. So that means we have to tear into it and fine out what is wrong. Could be as simple as a head gasket or a may need to go deeper. Wondered if while we are...
  5. J

    Pictures open behind threads

    Still doing it.
  6. J

    Cool Video From Last Week

    Those guys are crazy. Thanks for sharing the video. That was awesome.
  7. J

    2012 Ranger Crew Diesel

    Looks nice. Got it for a good price too. Congrats on your new crew. We love ours.
  8. J


    At least they weren't out boozing it up and crashed giving us all a bad name. I saw this too on Speed. They show a lot worse idiots thand the UTV guys.
  9. J

    The Negatives...?

    Shattered the gears on my teryx because the center post wasn't mounted to the engine so they flexed differently and caused it to jump out of gear. Have since welded in some braces and have not had an issue other than I just don't get to ride it enough.
  10. J

    Video from LOORRS Speedworld - In Car - SR1 Stuff!

    That was sweet thanks for sharing. Those SR1 sure have an awesome sound.
  11. J

    Cool ass diesel race

    That is pretty sweet. That frame took some abuse. Wonder how much weight they were pulling.
  12. J

    Ranger Crew Diesel

    Thanks. Looks like you can use the same cross bars as the back seat if you wanted to add some head rests to the front. The head rests are going to block the back seat view. Pesonally I don't have a need for them.
  13. J

    Ranger Crew Diesel

    Pro lift a-arms and rear lift, 28" Baja, 14" DWT Sector wheels, Roof with radio, 30" E Rigid and 2 D2 lights, rear bumper, 4500 viper winch, windshield and removed the restrictor plate. So nothing but bolt ons really. Bought it to use around the ranch mostly. The wife had a 686 rhino and wanted...
  14. J

    Ranger Crew Diesel

    Here is the only picture I have right now. I will try and get some additional pictures. These things are a blast. They will go more places than I thought full of passengers.
  15. J

    Ranger Crew Diesel

    That is a great price. We love our crew. Put a 2" lift and 28" tires on it and have had a blast. Took it to CO and crawled great. Handled the trails fine. My wife loves it out on the dunes too. Around the farm it is great we can pile people in. Party wagon. Enjoy.

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