We can always pray for those needing help seemingly not available from ourselves yet teaching values to children by fighting for them in their presence is not our "job" but our responsibility.
Compare your above reality to guys trying to convince their wives that ball sports are much safer than...
Take a look back: Whenever there are rules being changed or broken to benefit racers or those promoting their kids to and someone 'dares' to question any of it?
How about "old" men and women simply preferring that kids around the world be taught values versus standing on a podium somehow being...
If you disagree with the age gap in the 570 class...and always have....simply step up and say so the second that it crosses your mind versus "not disagreeing" with someone who is (finally) willing to say it.
Get a mother of one of these 10 year olds up here and I can guarantee that she will not...
Motorsports have NEVER been less dangerous than ball sports for inexperienced 10 year old children piloting souped up flying cars with a testosterone overdosed 16 year old breathing down their neck (period).
Anyone who would make that statement with any seriousness is akin to the yahoos...
The DCT or exponential fun multiplier is not "hype". 104 HP is nothing but a place setter for an an extremely conservative offroad culture built on quality first. Polaris did not approach the market in this manner and suffered mightily for it, Consequently, no amount of marketing fought off the...
"Racing" a yet-to-be built Talon or better yet "Fear" surrounding the racing of a mythical Talon.
Only Honda could ever elicit such emotions with but a 104 HP NA car driven by a geared transmission system like no other.
I'm glad that Honda is waiting until spring.
New UTV owners in the next...
It got pretty quiet when that DCT launched itself out of that guy's driveway and Honda's launch patent confirmed Yamaha's smart move in that direction (already) as well.
Folks just aren't all that in to smelling rubber burning unless its their tires. ;)
UTV manufacturers will never do the research needed (nor should they) incorporating products used as they were never intended to be. Anybody not willing to incorporate the decades of data already out there as the only available substitute is not only an idiot but a clear and present danger to...
"Having experience in kids offroad motorsports" equaling "Having experience in 570 class flying cars driven by vastly less inexperienced 10 year olds against 16 year olds" ???
...and (somehow) your 'experience' above leads you to conclude that a 1000 class car NEEDS aluminum floorboards...while...
If you are (now) "calling me out"...then it would be helpful to present some thoughts of your own versus repeated/constant "tell me....tell me ...tell me(s)..." as frankly a child comes back with (again and again) when he doesn't quite understand the word around him.
If you run around town...
"Playing" isn't asking somebody to explain themselves without offering an opinion of your own at the outset so that an actual two-sided debate may commence. Offer an opinion on the 2018 rules, any changes needing to be made or not.
As with SandShark feigning absolutely no knowledge of solutions...
...and I heard that 'any day now' the rubber band manufacturers are going to catch up (over 2 years later) with Yamaha and 'launch' a no-extra-cost/no extra wear 'belt drag system' installed in every wind-up-toy car sold moving forward.
I also heard that once they get the autonomous...
"...Honda never resting in continuous product cycles of improvements and added features has filed a patent US 10150481 that in layman's terms allow you to pull back on both paddles simultaneously, pin the throttle, and let go to effectively dump the clutch for high powered launches. This would...
(Previously from SS):
"...I now own a X-3 RS and the primary clutch was bad from the factory (replaced under warranty at 86 miles). I also have have issues with the check engine light and limp mode. As I tear into the car I often shake my head. Had all three spark plugs drowning in anti-seize...