Recent content by AZwirepro

  1. AZwirepro

    EFI fuse continually blowing

    Does the engine run at all or does it blow the fuse immediately?
  2. AZwirepro

    unidentified loose wire

    That sounds like an antenna cable for your ride command. GPS antennas typically have gold connectors.
  3. AZwirepro

    Code 9 - 516183

    Check the wiring to the rear camera. Sometimes the wires get a bit close to the muffler and will melt. When the car goes into gear it will activate that camera. you can also try disconnecting the camera. ( there should be a 4 pin small connector 6 inches or so from the camera) That is where I...
  4. AZwirepro

    Light bar electrical help- 2013 RZR 800

    Hello, It is difficult for me to tell exactly, but you should have a red and black wire coming directly from your battery and connecting to the large relay that controls your winch. You can use these as a feed for your light bar power, but you need to make sure you are using the two lines...

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